Friday, June 17, 2011

About Me

Craft is something I have always enjoyed and has been my hobby since I was 6 years old!

From childhood, I have always searched new sewing, stitching and craft ideas. Owning a little handicraft shop and running classes have always been my dream.

I enjoy collecting unique handicraft pieces. Having lived, worked and travelled to a few countries, I have collected quite a few; mostly those that I am not able to produce myself. My last piece was a beautiful (but hefty! ) piece of hand painted porcelain from Istanbul. Very precious and many times reluctant to use.

I have always from time to time made jewelry, knitting, a little sewing (simple garment, bags, hats, curtain, cushions etc) as a way to de-stress from demanding corporate world. Most importantly I make them as gifts to others on birthdays or special occasions. It is always wonderful to see the big surprises in their faces when they see the gift you have personally made for them.

The tension about handmade item is putting your very best & care in each stitch and having to put a price to it. Over the years, this has caused me to give away my items rather than selling them.

Therefore I hope this little venture is a place where I could offer my (humble) sewing skill to those who would doesn't have the time but would like to have a little 'homemade' gift for themselves or friends.

I also do hope that it is a little step to achieving my dream and a place you can search for something 'handmade' for yourself, friends or family.


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